Taylor Marsala 750ml

Taylor Marsala 750ml - 750 Millilitre



Taylor Marsala is a creamy, medium sweet wine with raisin-like classic flavoring. Deeply golden in color, it has a smooth, unique taste and depth to the character. The Taylor Wine Company, makers of superior ports and sherries, with a tradition dating back to 1880, skillfully blends the best grapes from New York to create a delicious wine.
Product Number: 00088940110010


Taylor Marsala is a creamy, medium sweet wine with raisin-like classic flavoring. Deeply golden in color, it has a smooth, unique taste and depth to the character. The Taylor Wine Company, makers of superior ports and sherries, with a tradition dating back to 1880, skillfully blends the best grapes from New York to create a delicious wine.
Product Number: 00088940110010