Ciroc Snap Frost Vodka, 750 ml

Ciroc Snap Frost Vodka, 750 ml - 750 Millilitre



CIROC Ultra-Premium Vodka is a rich tasting vodka distilled five times from fine French grapes and finished in a tailor-made copper pot still in Southern France. Smooth and lightly sweet, our ultra-premium vodka provides a taste experience that is lusciously different and elegantly smooth. Perfect for any vodka soda. Finished in a tailor-made copper pot still in Southern France
Product Number: 00088076161863

Often bought with

Ciroc Pineapple Flavored Vodka, 750 ml    Ciroc Pineapple Flavored Vodka, 750 ml - 750 Millilitre $38.98
Ciroc Apple Flavored Vodka, 750 ml    Ciroc Apple Flavored Vodka, 750 ml - 750 Millilitre $38.98


CIROC Ultra-Premium Vodka is a rich tasting vodka distilled five times from fine French grapes and finished in a tailor-made copper pot still in Southern France. Smooth and lightly sweet, our ultra-premium vodka provides a taste experience that is lusciously different and elegantly smooth. Perfect for any vodka soda. Finished in a tailor-made copper pot still in Southern France
Product Number: 00088076161863

Often bought with

Ciroc Pineapple Flavored Vodka, 750 ml    Ciroc Pineapple Flavored Vodka, 750 ml - 750 Millilitre $38.98
Ciroc Apple Flavored Vodka, 750 ml    Ciroc Apple Flavored Vodka, 750 ml - 750 Millilitre $38.98