Apothic Red Red Wine Blend 750ml - 750 Millilitre
Apothic Red is a complex and inviting wine that offers a symphony of flavors. This rich blend boasts notes of dark berries, hints of mocha, and a touch of spice. Perfect for gathering with a group of friends at home, it pairs wonderfully with grilled meats, aged cheeses, and spiced desserts. Whether it's complementing a hearty dinner or enhancing the warmth of after-dinner conversation, let Apothic Red be your companion, making every moment vibrant and lively.Product Number: 00085000017746
Apothic Red is a complex and inviting wine that offers a symphony of flavors. This rich blend boasts notes of dark berries, hints of mocha, and a touch of spice. Perfect for gathering with a group of friends at home, it pairs wonderfully with grilled meats, aged cheeses, and spiced desserts. Whether it's complementing a hearty dinner or enhancing the warmth of after-dinner conversation, let Apothic Red be your companion, making every moment vibrant and lively.Product Number: 00085000017746