Cazadores Tequila Reposado, 750 ml

Cazadores Tequila Reposado, 750 ml - 750 Millilitre



Made from 100% Blue Agave, Tequila Cazadores requires a seven-step fully sustainable and zero waste production process including a double distillation, double fermentation, and a careful maturation process, overseen and crafted by Maestro Tequilero Jesus Susunaga Balanced, Smooth, Wood, Citrus, Tropical, Vanilla
Product Number: 00080480170028


Made from 100% Blue Agave, Tequila Cazadores requires a seven-step fully sustainable and zero waste production process including a double distillation, double fermentation, and a careful maturation process, overseen and crafted by Maestro Tequilero Jesus Susunaga Balanced, Smooth, Wood, Citrus, Tropical, Vanilla
Product Number: 00080480170028